Exploring the convergence of the metaverse with the real life practice of architecture. We will explore case studies of RL Architects, Urban Planners, Developers and related fields who are interested in using SL as a professional tool. We will also follow the theory, ideas, predictions and technology that will enable this evolution.


Background Part 2: Virtual Studio

This is an animation of our virtual studio in Plush Rho, which essentially serve as our 3D website and general meeting space. We tried to make the studio itself into a living diagram of sustainability by including a living roof system, passive strategies, pellet stove, rainwater harvest, rain gardens, wind energy, photovoltaic panels and more. The building is populated with descriptive icons that, when clicked, send you an infoCard with more information about that strategy.

I rented this commercial land, separate from our model neighborhood, back when I was thinking of selling SL prefabs, out of respect for the residential zoning of our other neighborhood. The neighborhood site is far more private, with very few visits from non-client SL residents. However, once I abandoned my commercial endeavors, I decided to keep this location, simply because it generated quite a bit of conversation and interest from incidental traffic within the SL community - which I love. I have learned to never underestimate the power of the social and networking opportunities hidden in every chance encounter.

If you know of anyone building or planning to build a virtual studio for their RL office, let me know!


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